Tuesday Club is a place for the retired who want to have fellowship together through activities such as bowls, crafts and knitting. Each week food is provided along with a short talk.

Tuesday Club meets on Tuesday mornings (surprise surprise) from 10am - 12pm in the minor hall.


WASPS is the Widows and Single Persons Support group, helping to take the sting out of singleness and bereavement.

WASPS meets on the 2nd Thursday in the month at 3pm. For more information please get in touch via our contact page.


Women of all ages and stages meet together to open God's Word together in an informal setting. After a cup of tea or coffee, we chat through a passage and discussion questions, seeking to faithfully handle God's Word and see how it comes to bear on our lives. Childcare is provided for those with young children. All women are very welcome to come along!

Women's Bible Study is on every other Wednesday morning in the Minor Hall. Keep an eye on the calendar to see when we next meet.


Impact is a place for women of all ages to connect and grow in their faith, so that they may be further equipped to minister to their families, their church, and their community.

Impact meet on Wednesdays. To see our up-to-date schedule check the weekly Bulletin or get in touch for dates and times.


GLEE is a Christian charity supporting people with learning disabilities enabling people to live life to the full with services in the form of residential homes, supported living and domiciliary support.

GLEE meets every 2nd Thursday evening from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the minor hall.


We’re a big family, so it can be easy to feel lost in the crowd. We really encourage you to get into a growth group to build friendships around your faith.

Our Growth Group programme varies throughout the year. Mostly, we meet in homes to enjoy time together, study the Bible, ask questions and discuss God’s answers. 

If you want to know more, please contact any of our Staff Team, an Elder or the church office or fill out the form below.


Through monthly meetings the men’s ministry at RPC seeks to help men live godly lives through biblical truth, discipleship and accountability. 

Men’s Ministry meet on Wednesdays. To see our up-to-date schedule check the weekly Bulletin or get in touch for dates and times.

Christianity Explored

Click on the photo for more information.