Our Staff Team

Here at Richhill Presbyterian Church it would be impossible to do what we do without a team who commit themselves to serving in full-time & part time capacities. Scroll below to find out a little more about each member.


Alastair McNeely

Alastair is our Minister/teaching elder here at Richhill Presbyterian. He is married to Pauline. Together they have two children Erin & Harry. Having a heart for ministry Alastair has served here in this congregation for over 25 years. In his spare time, you'll find Alastair out with his family, watching Tottenham Hotspur or down at the Kingspan supporting the Ulster rugby team.

Jeff Gawn

Jeff is our Assistant Minister. He is married to Vicky and they have a son George. Originally from just outside Antrim, Jeff headed West to work for Scripture Union as a School’s Worker in Fermanagh (where he met Vicky). Having moved to Portadown in 2019 they settled quickly into Co. Armagh! Jeff’s love is to open up the Bible with others. When he isn’t at RPC you might find him drumming, farming or enjoying time with family and friends (preferably over food).

Contact — jeff@richhillpresbyterian.com

Gladys Price

Gladys is our church secretary and the gem that makes sure our church & office run smoothly on a weekly basis. She has worked at the church for over 10 years and has attended RPC far longer. She’s married to Francis, and on her days off enjoys spending time with her grandchildren.

Contact — office@richhillpresbyterian.com

Erin Wilson

Erin is our Youth and Children’s Worker. Originally from just outside Cookstown. She loves spending time with people, especially children and young people, engaging in conversations about the Bible. Erin is a big fan of anything aesthetically pleasing, coffee, a Sojourn rocky road and asking slightly rogue questions. Ask her about her dog Ginger.

Contact — erinwilson@richhillpresbyterian.com

Lesley-Anne Wilkinson

Lesley-Anne is our Discipleship and Adult Education co-ordinator which means she’s involved in lots of things from writing Growth Group questions and training leaders, to leading Bible studies with women in groups and one-to-one. She’s married to Chris and they have a son and a Border Collie. Having previously been a teacher, Lesley-Anne studied at Cornhill and has completed three years of training in Biblical Counselling through CCEF, so she loves getting to come alongside people in all seasons and trials of life.

When not at the church, you would likely find Lesley-Anne enjoying a Sojourn coffee or hanging out with friends and family in their home.

Contact — lesley-anne@richhillpresbyterian.com

Jon Bartholomew

Jon Bartholomew is our Director of Worship, Music & Multimedia. He is married to Lindsey and they have a son Ezra. He has been at RPC for over 14 years. Jon enjoys leading congregational singing and arranging music to allow the Word of Christ to dwell richly in our hearts. He previously worked in Business Development before pursuing full-time ministry. Jon loves songwriting, running in the countryside, cooking Mexican food and a good Spanish podcast.

Contact — jon@richhillpresbyterian.com

John McKee

John is our Student Assistant Minister. He is married to Sarah, and they have come to RPC from the Kingdom of Mourne. John loves getting stuck into the Bible with others, but when he’s not doing that, he will be hitting the books as he completes his studies at Union Theological College. When not at church or college, he can probably be found out running somewhere in the Mourne Mountains or on the hockey pitch.

Contact — johnmckee@richhillpresbyterian.com

Caleb Coert

Caleb is the Ministry Apprentice here at RPC. He grew up in Richhill and has been part of the RPC family all his life. He loves helping out in many of the programmes here at Church throughout the week, as he opens up the Bible with others. Alongside his apprenticeship, Caleb spends his week studying Theology at Union Theological College. He loves singing, playing the piano and watching the mighty Manchester United.

David Turner

David is our care taker, originally from Co Cavan. He is married to Susan and they have two grown up sons. David has been a member of RPC for over 30 years. His interests are gardening, mountain walking, watching rugby and listening to music.